Thursday, October 1, 2009

Toothpicks & rice cakes

Caffeine intake: 0 (excellent)
Green tea consumption: 8 cups (can you O-D on green tea?)
Glamour rating: -57 (a girl needs her sleep now and then, you know)

Tumble out of bed and prop eyelids open with toothpicks. Brain not yet caught up with body after 5-hour proofreading marathon last night. Isn't burning the midnight oil s'posed to make me all Bohemian and inspired?

Grunt "Bye - have a good day" in general direction of No.1 as he leaves for school. Think he had breakfast, though not 100% sure. (Am obviously slovenly, indifferent mother who deserves a good kicking)

Working from home today, so decide to have a health kick (once recovered from sobbing fit after discovering stocks of Sainsbury's English Breakfast teabags exhausted).
Green tea and rice cakes with honey for breakfast.
[Note to self: Check if rice cakes & honey still healthy when you scoff 10 in a single sitting]


  1. I'll send you some teabags if you send me the stock cubes!!
    Li'l Sis

  2. Oops! I forgot. Sorry.
    Will try to send some off pronto!
