Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Emerging from the slime

Caffeine input: Minimal (due to invalid status)
Earth Mother Brownie points: 78 (I made pudding, for gawd's sake!)
Pudding consumed: 1 serving (v. restrained)
Hours slept: Nowhere near enough

Urgh. Feel like a slug emerging from the primeval slime that first gave birth to life. A slug that takes one look around it and thinks "Don't think much of this. Can I go back please?".

Since Saturday, have had all the energy of a heavily pregnant three-toed sloth. And on Sunday the mother of all migraines took up residence in the left hemisphere of my noggin. You know the sort of thing - when you feel like someone has stuck your head in a vice and every now again comes along and tightens the grip a few more notches. But being the super-mummy that I so want to be, I just keep going. There's work to be done, dishes to be washed, mouths to be fed...

Think the pain is fading a little, or perhaps I'm just used to it now. Or maybe last night's apple crumble and home-made custard (from scratch, if you please!) did its magic. Amazing what the combination of a sense of acheivement and comfort food can do.

Took advantage of dark glasses worn on train to sneak a quick kip this morning (good thing about working at the end of the line is that you can't miss your stop). Think fellow passengers may have rumbled when I started snoring gently (woke self up - v. embarrassing).

As I walk to office, head is not throbbing and nape opf neck does not feel like Mr Spock has put the Vulcan vice pinch on me. Maybe I'll be able to work through the red haze of my headache, after all?

Whatever happens, one thought keeps me going:
There's more apple crumble and custard waiting in the fridge...

1 comment:

  1. everybody needs a keep going mantra, and the crumble on is the best I've heard!
    Thankyou so much for following my blog. it really cheered up a bit of a rubbish day! Thanks x
